Thursday, January 25, 2007

Nutrient Depleted Soil Cause Nutritional Deficiencies

The epidemic of chronic illness facing Americans can be
traced to their diets. This is a well known fact. Noted
researchers, Dr Robert H. Fletcher and Kathleen M.
Fairfield reported that "most people do not get an optimal
amount of nutrients by diet alone.and suboptimal intakes of
nutrients are associated with increased risks of chronic
diseases. The risks of cardiovascular disease, cancer,
and osteoporosis increases with low nutrient intake.
(Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), June

It is a fact, not well known, that as far back as 1936 the
foods, fruits, vegetables, and grains now being raised on
millions of acres of land in this country no longer contain
enough certain-needed minerals - and are starving us, no
matter how much of them we eat. These findings were
presented to Congress in a study called US Senate Document
264, at the 74th Congress. So the reason we do not get
optimal amounts of nutrients by diet alone is because the
foods we eat were grown in nutrient depleted soil. The
results of the 1992 Earth Summit revealed that farmlands in
North America were 85% nutrient depleted. Think on it. The
process of preparing our foods can also rob us of what
little nutrient value is contained within the foods.

Truth is while we are well fed we are not nourished by the
foods we eat. While the body can make some vitamins, it
definitely doesn't make minerals. We must of necessity
take it in. So we all need to be taking nutritional
supplements to provide our bodies with the nutrients,
particularly minerals, needed to maintain a healthy
balance. WE ARE TRULY WHAT WE EAT! If what we are eating
is not giving us the nutrients we need then we are at an
increased risk of chronic diseases. We all know lack of
minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium can result in
iron deficiency anemia, bone diseases and heart
abnormalities respectively.

I think it is fair to say that we understand the need for
supplementation. The multi-billion dollar industry
illustrates that. But are we buying the right product in
the right form and design? It is important that our
bodies utilize what we put in so we benefit from it. What
is the best way to deliver nutrients to our bodies? The
best way is in a form that is easily digested and in the
right combination. In the article "Super Nutrients"
(Newsweek, January 16, 2006), scientists have identified
nearly 40 vitamins and minerals that the body needs for
various tasks. Not only that they are learning that these
nutrients team up in complex ways. It's not enough to just
take calcium, it doesn't work by itself; phosphorous and
magnesium are also important for healthy bones. Vit D is
necessary for calcium absorption.

Too many of us get a false sense of security born of taking
multi-vitamin pills. Supplements in tablet, pill or
chelated form are only 10% absorbed by the body. I didn't
say this. It is stated in the Physicians Desk Reference
(PDR). The reason supplements in these forms are poorly
absorbed is due to poor formulation and design. They
contain poor quality raw materials. Materials that often
times are calculated to prolong shelf life. Take a look at
the expiration date on your vitamin bottles. I bet it is
years into the future. To make it last that long requires
the use of materials that the body cannot readily break
down. This in and of itself makes it unusable by the body.
The waxy coatings, excessive fillers and binders are not
absorbed very well.

Those of you who are still taking supplements in pill or
tablet form are wasting your money and worse starving your
body. The best way to take in nutrients is in a liquid form
which is immediately bioavailable to the body. The body
does not have to digest liquid nutrients once they are made
well. Keep in mind however that there are all sorts of
liquid supplements on the market. Therefore one needs to
evaluate them before deciding on the best product.

I know I am speaking to the choir when I say be sure to
take your supplements. It is a cheap way to reduce your
risk of chronic illnesses brought on by nutritional

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